The hearing for the cancellation of Class 12 private, repeater examinations held by various states will take place in the Supreme Court of India today. Nearly 1100 students filed a joint petition to the Supreme Court seeking direction for the cancellation of Class 12 private exams to the CBSE.
The student demanded parity with regular students and the petitions sought for the evaluation of Class 12 private students with the same assessment formula adopted for regular students by CBSE and other education boards.
They also requested to announce the results in a time-bound manner. The petitions also sought fair and equal treatment with the regular students by giving them a direction to resolve grievances and objections.
The CBSE Class 12 results will be based on their performance in Class 10 and Class 11 final exams along with the Class 12 Pre-Board exams in the ratio of 30:30:40. Practical exams will be based on the marks submitted by schools and the results will be declared by the 31st of July 2021.