- With an excellent reputation in terms of research and technology, thousands of students apply to undergraduate courses in Germany, master’s & Ph.D. in Germany. Germany is becoming quite popular among students who are looking forward to studying MBA.
- As per the annual trends report the number of international students in Germany in the year 2018 was 374,580
- Heidelberg University was established in 1386 and is the oldest university in Germany. There are several other old and prestigious institutions as well such as Cologne University that was founded in 1388, Leipzig University that was founded in 1409, LMU Munich that was founded in 1472, Rostock University that was founded in 1419, Greifswald University that was founded in 1456, Freiburg University that was founded in 1457 and the University of Tubingen that was founded in 1477.
Types of Universities-
- Germany has an education system that differentiates between the two types of institutions. The term ‘Universitat’ are for those institutions which have the right to confer doctorates.
- ‘Hochschule’ is a generic term that applies to other degree-awarding higher education institutions
The top 10 universities of Germany are:
1.KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
2. Freie University of Berlin
3. RWTH Aachen University
4. Berlin Institute of Technology
5. Eberhard Karls University of Tubingen
6. Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
7.Technical University of Munich
8.Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
9.Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg
10. Humboldt University of Berlin
The list of the top business schools for MBA in Germany:
- ESMT Berlin
2. HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
3. Mannheim Business School
4. Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
5. WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
To know about College Admissions in these colleges and more Information like this make sure to register yourself at Collzy now !
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