- After reading 70 pages of answer sheets of online open-book examination, a teacher who teaches History at Delhi University was shocked and noticed a few things.
- Earlier, the students would write a maximum of 32 pages and now the students have been writing 50 to 60 pages and it was also noted that after writing a few pages, the students would get tired and their handwriting would deteriorate but now, most of the students give an answer in 12-15 pages in almost identical handwriting.
- He said that the students write the whole story instead of the points needed and it is also clear that students have their assignments ready and they simply scan and upload them. Students get four hours to write and then upload the answer sheets due to this OBE system.
- Another teacher said that OBE is a waste of time and effort as this exam does not test anything. The teachers claim that the University must call the stakeholders and prepare new guidelines and decide how many marks must be given to the students who write such answers.
- Many teachers also claim that since 10th and 12th class students are coming to school to give their exams, university students must also be called to take up offline exams.
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