
Ratings based on Student Innovation and Start-up Index – HEI

Ratings based on Student Innovation and Start-up Index - HEI

Higher Education Institutions will now be rated based on Student Innovation and Start-up Index.

In order to encourage institutes and universities toward start-ups, the education department of Gujarat has launched an initiative. Under this, the department will review their progress and rank them through Student Innovation and Start-up Index.

Universities and institutes will have to compile and submit data on the UDYAM COGENT portal manually. The ranking will be on a 1000-point rating structure. The efforts will be appreciated during the annual SSIP awards – Startup Prashansa.

The macro indicators such as competency, value capturing and support system carries 300, 400 and 300 points respectively. There are also several micro indicators which include outreach and learning, academic resources, infrastructure, knowledge management and bench-marking, contextual relevance, awards and recognition and innovation and entrepreneurship.

Each higher education institution will promote and nurture innovation among the youth. So far, SSIP has supported 6,944 student innovations of which 1,381 intellectual properties got filed. Moreover, 2,132 student start-ups were nurtured through various flagship programs.

186 HEIs and 51 universities were funded to extend support to start-ups and innovators. This will help enable all educational institutions to track their progress continuously. It will also help them develop a competitive and collaborative spirit in educational institutions which will help them boost their startup ecosystem.

The nodal authority will be state-level Project Management Unit at Gujarat Knowledge Society. It will implement the Student Innovation and Startup Index. The activities and necessary expenses are to be incurred under the state-level program under SSIP 2.0.

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