The Delhi University will conduct its 98th convocation on February 25 at the Multipurpose Hall of the university’s sports stadium complex. The University awarded 1,78,719 digital degrees in the 97th convocation followed by which many other institutions such as the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur conferred digital degrees to graduating students.
The 97th convocation was conducted in hybrid mode with a mixture of online and offline events and this year, a statement is yet to be issued on which the convocation will be conducted in-person or in hybrid mode.
Students must follow Delhi University’s official website to get further updates on the convocation. DU will be celebrating its 100 years of establishment in May and the University has allotted a sum of Rs.10 crores for centenary celebrations.
The University of Delhi will be conducting various events and programs along with its constituent and affiliated colleges to create memorable moments to enjoy. The University is also planning to rededicate themselves towards the cause of improving higher education in the country to help in overall development and growth.