
CUET UG 2023 – Sociology Syllabus and Strategy for Preparation

CUET UG 2023 - Sociology Syllabus and Strategy for Preparation

Admissions to more than 90 participating universities will be granted based on the CUET scorecard of the candidates. The subject-wise detailed syllabus has already been released by the NTA on the official website. This article discusses in detail the CUET UG 2023 syllabus for Sociology. Candidates who are aspiring to enter any of the central universities must go through this article properly.

Common University Entrance Test Undergraduate 2023 (CUET UG 2023) is being conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). Students who wish to take admission to any Undergraduate course having sociology as their subject must go through the syllabus of sociology for CUET before appearing for the test.

Admissions to more than 90 participating universities will be granted based on the CUET scorecard of the candidates. The subject-wise detailed syllabus has already been released by the NTA on the official website. This article discusses in detail the CUET UG 2023 syllabus for Sociology. Candidates who are aspiring to enter any of the central universities must go through this article properly.

They must also download the syllabus for sociology for CUET before starting their preparation for the exam. Through this examination, an equal and common opportunity will be given to all the students for entry into reputed institutions. This exam is centralized and is expected to encounter more competition.

Therefore, in order to score good marks in the CUET examination and achieve excellence, students must plan their preparation strategy for sociology for CUET and get the guidance they require. This article discusses the syllabus for sociology in detail for CUET. Moreover, the pattern for examination and other important details regarding CUET will be provided.

CUET UG 2023 – Sociology Syllabus

Sociology is the study of social life, social change, social causes, and the social consequences of human behavior. Sociology is an interesting subject and helps you in seeing and understand things in a different way. The syllabus of sociology consists of a total of 10 chapters for CUET. There are individual sub-chapters for each chapter and are interconnected to one another. Therefore, it is necessary for you to go through all the units and subunits completely and must not miss out on anything. Below is the detailed syllabus.

I – Structure of Indian Society
  • Introducing Indian Society: Colonialism, Nationalism, Class, and Community.
  • Demographic Structure.
  • Rural-Urban Linkages and Divisions.
II – Social Institutions: Continuity and Change
  • Family and Kinship.
  • The Caste System.
  • Tribal Society.
  • The Market as a Social Institution.
III – Social Inequality and Exclusion
  • Caste Prejudice, Scheduled Castes, and Other Backward Classes.
  • The marginalization of Tribal Communities.
  • The Struggle for Women’s Equality.
  • The Protection of Religious Minorities.
  • Caring for the Differently Abled.
IV – The Challenges of Unity in Diversity
  • Problems of Communalism, Regionalism, Casteism, and Patriarchy.
  • Role of the State in a Plural, and Unequal Society.
  • What We Share.
V – Process of Social Change in India
  • Process of Structural Change: Colonialism, Industrialisation, Urbanisation.
  • Process of Cultural Change: Modernization, Westernisation, Sanskritisation, Secularisation.
  • Social Reform Movements and Laws.
VI – Social Change and the Polity
  • The Constitution as an instrument of Social Change.
  • Parties, Pressure Groups, and Democratic Politics.
  • Panchayati Raj and the Challenges of Social Transformation.
VII – Social Change and the Economy
  • Land Reforms, the Green Revolution, and Agrarian Society.
  • From Planned Industrialisation to Liberalisation.
  • Changes in the Class Structure.
VIII – Arenas of Social Change
  • Media and Social Change
  • Globalization and Social Change
IX – New Arenas of Social Change
  • Media and Social Change.
  • Globalization and Social Change.
X – Social Movements
  • Class-Based Movements: Workers, Peasants.
  • Caste-Based Movements: Dalit Movement, Backward Castes, Trends in Upper Caste Responses.
  • Women’s Movements in Independent India.
  • Tribal Movements.
  • Environmental Movements.

CUET UG 2023 – Sociology Examination Pattern

The detailed exam pattern for CUET UG 2023 sociology has been announced by the National Testing Agency on its official website. The sociology exam pattern consists of information regarding the marking scheme, question type, duration of the examination, total marks, and so on. Therefore, the wholesome knowledge of the aspirants is enriched regarding the exam. This helps them prepare a better strategy for preparation for themselves for sociology.

The detailed exam pattern for CUET UG 2023 Sociology

  • There will be one question paper offered in the examination.
  • The question paper will consist of 50 questions out of which 40 questions need to be attempted.
  • The maximum mark of the paper is 200.
  • Five marks will be awarded for each correct answer.
  • One mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
  • Question types will be in the objective pattern (MCQs)
  • The duration of the examination will be 45 mins.
  • The exam will be conducted online on the Computer-Based Test (CBT) mode.

Preparation Strategy for CUET UG 2023 Sociology

Sociology is a conceptual subject that is understanding-oriented. You must have a broad and critical mind in order to prepare thoroughly. You need to prepare for the subject thoroughly in order to succeed and score well. It is equally important to cover each unit and sub-unit thoroughly and thus, you must not miss out on anything. Below are a few necessary tips for preparation.

  • You must understand the syllabus thoroughly and break them into smaller sections.
  • Make sure that you build interconnectivity between the different sections and chapters.
  • You must prioritize the chapters based on Your expertise over it and the Importance/weightage it holds in the actual exam.
  • You must try and contextualize with your immediate surroundings whatever is being read by you.
  • Finally, you must think while you read.

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