
Common Problems faced by students during Career Guidance

Common Problems faced by students during Career Guidance

The completion of the Class XII Board examination for students is a very critical stage and this stage leads to a great question mark in the life of WHAT NEXT. Some students will already have a clear idea of what they will be pursuing next and will be preparing for the necessary entrance examinations or applying to colleges of their choice.

But, a vast majority of the students are in a confusion about choosing what to do next. Many students tend to follow the footsteps of their elders and peers and do not figure out what is right for them. For this purpose, students are given career guidance after 12th which helps in decoding the problems and coming up with solutions.

Students tend to choose the wrong career option giving in to the pressure of parents or peers or due to a lack of understanding of the subject and realising later on in life that the stream which they have chosen is not right for them.

Many students live in a myth that students who opt for the first group which includes subjects such as Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry are considered bright and intelligent students whereas students who opt for humanities and commerce are considered dull students.

Students, as well as parents, must be advised about this factor and the importance of humanities in today’s world must be explained to them. Also, students who have already chosen the wrong stream in classes 11 and 12 can be helped in choosing the right course in college that may or may not be related to the group they have chosen in school.

The issue of peer pressure must also be addressed among the students. Students tend to choose a stream just because their friends have chosen it. They also choose a career option in a hurry, under the pressure that their friends have chosen their career options earlier. However, this is the wrong way to choose a career option.

Students must be counselled so that they gain more knowledge on the various careers and subjects to overcome peer pressure and take decisions on their own. Another important factor that must be addressed is the mentality of Indian parents when it comes to the education of their children.

Parents like to decide what their children need to study, some wish to live their dreams through their children while some parents think that careers like medicine and engineering are only good for their children. Parents must also be given awareness addition to children when it comes to career counselling.

With too much information available on the internet, students are confused about choosing the stream of their choice. In such cases, it is best to approach a career counsellor as a career counsellor will refine the choices according to the students\’ wishes and needs. In India, many school managements fail to understand the importance of career counselling for students.

School management must also understand the importance of career counselling and address the needs of the students as well as the parents to help them choose the right path in life.

To know about counselling for students after 12th and more Information like this make sure to visit our site Collzy now !

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